Sunday, November 11, 2007

Baby Sol

After 20 hours of labor, Roxana gave birth to Baby Sol this evening. They were five minutes away from a c-section, but he made it out just in time. :) Mommy and baby and Daddy are all doing great. I'll let Rox give you the details when she's ready......

Oh Thank you Jesus! Thanks so much for letting us know!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FANTASTIC!!! Praise God that Baby Sol is finally here!

And I agree with Lizard, I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you pronounce "Sol"? Is it like Saul or like Soul?
sol, like soul, like el sol, like the sun. ;)
That's what I had guessed, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks! ;-)
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