Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some Potty Talk

I have been wiping small bums for many years now. Thankfully, despite a new diagnosis of dyslexia, the 6-yr old can wipe his own. (Although he likes some assistance) So for almost 7 years I have had the daily task of cleaning two bums, one the beautiful color of olive oil and the other the color of snow.

My boys determine their length of stay on the toilet (as in our ONE toilet) by the length of the book they are flipping through. Only then are they willing to dismount and begin the laborious wiping/not-quite hand washing process. (Thank you Lord, for antibodies)

Today, I walked in to the bathroom to find Ethan flipping through a Far Side anthology. (He was only midway) I told him that he needed to be finished on the potty. He said, "But mom, I ate french fries too." Communicating that he was not sure that his fries from lunch had made it completely through his system, so therefore he should continue sitting and finish his Far Side anthology.

I wasn't up to explaining that his french fries, eaten 30 minutes earlier, may need more time then that.

plus, he names his turds.
that's awesome. i wiped my little brother's bum for years. he'd pick one of us older siblings and yell from the restroom, "It's YOUR turn to wipe me!!!!"
Its ALWAYS my turn, but sometimes we rock-paper-scissors it to make a decision.
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