Monday, December 04, 2006

Advent Begins.

Advent began yesterday. In church we started carols and advent liturgy. After church we went to Whole Foods to buy an evergreen wreath...then on the the craft store to pick up some candles--3 purple and 1 pink. Didn't light the first candle last nite as we realized we didn't have appropriate holders for the new candles--weren't interested in a blazing Christmas wreath.

Here are the first two verses of a lovely ancient hymn we sang yesterday--the tune sounds gregorian:

Of the Father's love begotten, ere the worlds began to be,
He is Alpha and Omega, He the source, the ending He,
Of the things that are, that have been,
And that future years shall see, evermore and evermore!

O that birth forever blessed, when the virgin, full of grace,
By the Holy Ghost conceiving, bore the Savior of our race;
And the Babe, the world's Redeemer,
First revealed His sacred face, evermore and evermore!

Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 348-413AD

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