Tuesday, March 14, 2006

(from the website) "SCRAPILE is the collaborative work of designers Bart Bettencourt and Carlos Salgado. Seeking to create a positive environmental impact with their work, these two have developed a unique method of collecting and repurposing discarded scraps of wood from New York's woodworking industry. Since it's conception in Fall 2003, this project has continued to yield an ever-evolving line of furniture and product which by its very nature insists each piece be one of a kind."
I love seeing this kind of creativity in business. I'm not sure how necessary it is to recycle wood scraps...seems like it might be more productive to recycle products that aren't biodegradeable, but it's creative, nonetheless. And I really DO like this table. Maybe Stephen will make one for me. =)
Scrapile Website
Sold on Vivavi: Contemporary Furniture and Sustainable Design