Thursday, January 13, 2005

I was taught to knit by an....

eight year old at i am a mean knit-stitcher.....that's it, though. I think I may be too ADD to do much more than scarves, though. I'm a sucker for lovely yarns, though. It's funny, yarn has never been something I've thought much about--and now I salivate over it! I guess it all depends on experience and perspective. Like many things.

I reached an all-time low when I knit scarves for my chihuahuas. I think someone's ready for a baby...

I am contemplating making pencil portraits for extra money....if there's anything I feel confident about, artistically speaking, its' drawing. I've done a few in the past few years--for friends, who gave me more money than I asked for....but the fact is, I think I can legitimately ask for 300-500 dollars per portrait. Okay, self, you are now resolving, with yourself, to make a little info. card and start spreading them round your wealthy parents at school. No more excuses, time to be brave.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

january blues...

I'm becoming more and more interested in Dorothy Sayers....anybody? anybody? have read some of her murder mysteries. I was especially taken with Gaudy Night. Know she was friends with the Inklings, and that she wrote an essay often read in classical school circles. also that she translated Dante...I love the rich characters she has created...Lord Peter, Harriet, even the minor characters...

This is the worst time of the school year!!!!!!!!!!!! Inspiration running very low today, as is patience. -sigh-

Sweetpea's tired.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Hmmmm, throwing thoughts into the vast webby unknown is an odd feeling. Hopefully, this will be a blog that enables me to process and share thoughts on teaching art, life, etc....I predict a wobbly and boring start. But perhaps I'll get warmed up after awhile.

Today, my class finally finished their Matisse collages....Meanwhile, in poetry, which I teach to Sixth grade, I am thrilled with the fun we're having with Kipling....(I'm at a Classical school, so we have subjects like "Poetry" and "Shakespeare.") Their semester exams, in which they were to write about K's life and work, gave me of those rare moments when you realize your class has really, really digested something you've taught and are jumping to tell back what they know....Last week in poetry, I ditched old Rudyard's poetry and we had Kipling storytime--read some of his "Just So" Stories....a good time was had by all. I had never read any of these before and couldn't believe how funny I found them.

Signing off her very first blog entry,


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